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Developed a custom 404 page for Tvodo

Руслан Кулумбегов





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Developed a custom 404 page for Tvodo

A custom error 404 page is a specially designed web page that is displayed when a user tries to access a non-existent URL on a website. HTTP status code 404 is sent by the server to indicate that the requested page or resource is unavailable.

Website owners create custom 404 pages to improve the user experience and provide useful information to visitors who encounter broken links or mistakenly entered URLs. Instead of displaying a general error message, you can create a custom 404 page that will match the overall appearance of the website and contain relevant content.

At Tvodo, we implemented a non-trivial solution for a custom 404 page. Many of us watched The Matrix and were amazed at how it looked on the monitor screens in the form of vertical rapidly moving lines of code. We have implemented such an animation on our page and you can view it by entering any incorrect address.
